In universities lik bba thammasart university (bba ธรรมศาสตร์ which is the term in Thai), the week of exams arrives, and despair hits because you cannot manage your activities and get lost in reviewing the content. This has already happened to you. But calm down! We have some tips to make this never happen again.
Discover The Best Learning Style For You
Each individual absorbs information in a way. For those who are visual, studying through images is the best way. On the other hand, the auditory ones can record their voice dictating the notes or even record the teacher’s lessons and listen to them later. There are people, for example, who are physical learners, so the alternative is to teach the study to yourself in a more dynamic way, walking, moving, literally. Whatever the subject, don’t reread the notes several times; you need to be active in building your knowledge.
Creating interactive cards, bookmarking topics, creating mind maps, which is nothing more than centralizing the main idea and putting additional information in a very freeway (see example), are good alternatives for annotations to fix the content in mind. Try to understand the topic as a whole and organize your notes by topic or date.
Write Everything By Hand
When you pick up a pen and write word for word, the fixation and attention to that content are much greater. Therefore, writing by hand is more efficient in retaining information. We know that typing speeds up the process even more, when the demand is high, but the intention here is to learn, so, to get everything right, be faithful to tip number 1 in the post (organize your times).
In the process of selecting what goes on paper, you are already exercising your synthesis capacity, in addition to reinforcing the content in your memory. And another suggestion is: after each class, make a brief report of everything you understand.
Study In Groups, But Not Too Much
Studying in a group is an excellent option to clarify doubts and expand the information that you missed in your studies. However, meeting with staff can be somewhat distracting, causing your focus to shift and information not to stick in your memory. Furthermore, many opinions, even other doubts, and hunches can confuse you. So, make this meeting in a balanced and very objective way.