
How to open a CBD Shop in Italy : the bureaucracy

In terms of bureaucracy, anyone can open a CBD Shop, and in this regard no special permits or licenses are needed. After finding a suitable premises and equipped with all the requirements of eligibility and habitability, you will send the so-called Scia to the municipality of reference -, filing it at the single counter of productive activities or sending it via PEC. The “Scia” is nothing but a template that contains all the data of the person/company opening the activity and the type of activity with the products that will be sold.


Cannabis light is a collector’s product, not for human use, and it is the one with THC less than 0.5/0.6%, and that unlike the therapeutic one does not need special authorizations.


As early as a few minutes after the Scia has been sent, one can start the commercial activity, except then having to supplement the documentation if the municipal body within the next sixty days deems the documentation incomplete.


If food products are also sold, the Scia must also contain the request for the marketing of food and beverages, and the so-called Nia (which is actually forwarded to the competent Asl by the municipality receiving the application) will also have to be sent along with the Scia.


The store and those who work there will then have to comply with safety, first aid and risk assessment regulations.


As for the property, it is recommended not to open the CBD Shop on premises of historical interest, as in these cases the timeframe is considerably longer because all the authorizations from the Superintendence are also needed.


How to open a CBD Shop: everything you need to know from a business perspective


As for where to open, except in the largest cities, it is preferable to open in streets that are not central or at any rate with high traffic of people since, as of today, a part of the population has qualms about being seen buying inside a CBD Shop. This discourse, moreover, may not apply to large cities and those with a strong tourist vocation.


As for the square footage, the optimal one is on 30/40 sq. m., although a smaller or even larger premises may be fine.


An excellent solution to open a carefree CBD Shop can be the online formula: in this case the person will have to worry about dealing with stocking and shipments, both in terms of supply of goods and commercial assistance.


The products that sell the most are inflorescences, CBD oil, and herbal teas, but also liquor, beer, cosmetics, and smoking items. In order for the store to have good profit margins, the ratio to the number of inhabitants should be 1:10/15,000, so for example in a city of 50,000 inhabitants, there is room for approximately four stores.


We at CBD Therapy, as mentioned offer an all-around service, disposing of a fully stocked CBD Catalog, for all of your needs.

Ted Rosenberg
the authorTed Rosenberg
David Rosenberg: A seasoned political journalist, David's blog posts provide insightful commentary on national politics and policy. His extensive knowledge and unbiased reporting make him a valuable contributor to any news outlet.